About NxTcoms

NxTcoms is a pioneering fully-serviced and managed web infrastructure team, consistently providing the highest standard of support to all our partners.

NxT generation web solutions to allowing your business to flourish

NxTcoms is a privately owned web services business formed in consolidation of multiple entities in 2022. Today we’re proud to boast a strong team, who thrive on creating unique and innovative solutions to support our partners. We are on a mission to support business development across the UK, making their digital journey smooth and hassle-free.

What We Do

Web infrastructure is growing ever more complicated, and we are here to provide a comprehensive and clear solution to you.

What We Do

Who We Help?

Our custom solutions enable us to work with many different businesses across the UK where we provide flawless support and know-how.

Who We Help?

Why Choose Us

Trusted by so many to be on hand in the provision of excellence. We’re with you on your journey, making every step of the way simple and easy.

Why Choose Us

Our History

2006 - 2007

Flamingdata launches as an independent business, working on providing web-hosting solutions for businesses across the north of the UK. Many businesses, who started with Flamingdata, still use our services to this day

2007 - 2022

Flamingdata transformed shortly after the its anniversary to become Endocom during the processes of SME infrastructure services being added to a growing number of solutions that are provided to our partners 

2022 - Present

The team at NxTcoms came together in mid-2022 to unify all potential solutions we provide via a relaunch and an evolution into our final form. A long-standing UK-based provider of full-stack, fully-managed web services that is trusted by partners all across the UK

The proof is in the pudding



Longest partner

0+ years

Longest partner


Partner locations


Partner locations
Partners save every year


Partners save every year